Monday, July 28, 2008

Level Properties

(click the above image to see full screen)
The Level Properties are almost all located at the bottom of the Editor Menu. Each Level for the Magic Toy Chest has a Title, Description, Time Lmit, Goal Toy, Goal Amount, Par Time, and Par Action.
Setting the Goal - You can adjust the level's goal toy and the goal amount by clicking the +/- buttons at the top of the right menu. It is important to include an adequate number of the goal toy so that the Level can be completed.
Level Title- Simply click in the space and type in your Level Title
Level Description - click and type in this area to describe your level, give a hint, or include an author credit.
Setting Level Time Limit - left click and hold on either the +/- Buttons to increase and decrease the Level Time Limit. You can right click to incrementally increase/decrease.

Setting the Par Time - left click and hold on either the +/- Buttons to increase and decrease the Level Par Time. You can right click to incrementally increase/decrease.
Setting the Par Actions- Left click on either the +/- Buttons to increase and decrease the Level Par Time. You can right click and hold to drastically increase/decrease the level's actions.